About Us
Welcome to the San Diego County Fire Chiefs Association’s Communications Section.
The Communications Section is a subsidiary of the SDCFCA. Our Section is devoted to the continued advancement of fire service communications in the County of San Diego. We shall provide our membership with an opportunity to contribute to the enhancement of fire service communications through professionalism and standardization of training throughout the County of San Diego.
Executive Board
Frank Lacoco
Cal Fire
Kristan Johnson
Vice President
Heartland Communications
Brian Jensen
San Diego Fire-Rescue
Ryan Villarino
Past President
Cal Fire
Meeting Information
No meeting information available at this time.
Public Documents
No documents available at this time.
Our Goal
The Communications Section’s goal is to attract representatives from throughout fire service communications. Our members are training officers, supervisors, technical experts and managers. The membership meets on a monthly basis to discuss standing agenda items such as:
- Legislation affecting dispatch centers
- Improving interoperability between dispatch centers
- Dispatch polices and procedures
- Voice and data communication issues
- Training issues and opportunities
- Recruit issues and opportunities