The mission of the Training Section is to provide high-quality and relevant fire training that will enhance safe and effective emergency operations.
About Us
Welcome to the San Diego County Fire Chiefs Association’s Training Section.
The Training Section is a subsidiary of the SDCFCA. Our Section is devoted to ensuring fire training within San Diego County is accessible, coordinated, professional, and relevant to today’s fire service. Our membership includes department training officers, community college representatives, SDG&E, and California State Fire Training.
Executive Board

Willy Melendez
San Diego Fire-Rescue

Chris Monroe
Vice President
Chula Vista Fire Department

Luke Bennett
Rancho Santa Fe Fire Department

Mike Smith
Bonita-Sunnyside Fire Protection District

Michael Spaulding
Member at Large
Encinitas Fire Department
Jeff Hernandez
Member at Large
Santee Fire Department
Meeting Information
The Training section meets on the third Wednesday of February, May, August and November at 9:00 a.m. at the following location:
San Diego County EOC
9601 Ridgehaven Court
San Diego, CA 92123
Public Documents
No documents available at this time.